Dinuba House Movers Inc. is a professional structure / building raising and relocation / moving company in California. Serving Fresno, Central Valley, Central Coast,Kings County, Tulare County, Kern County, San Luis Obispo County, Southern California, Santa Barbara, West Coast, Bakersfield, San Simeon, Morro bay, Pismo, Paso Robles, Nipomo, Santa Maria, Ventura County, Oxnard, Camarillo, Long Beach, Pasadena, Riverside, Orange County, Las Angeles County, Ontario, Inyo County, Bishop
LIC# 211256

40508 RD. 84 DINUBA CA, 93618
Go "Green" with Dinuba House Movers, Inc. When you take part in a house moving or raising project, you are helping to preserve our history, as well contributing to a eco-friendly world.

Founded in 1937 and incorporated in 1996, Dinuba House Movers, Inc., is a professional corporation proudly serving California's Central Valley and surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on our client relations and in delivering services in a professional manner consistent with each project and it's client's concerns. Our history and experience of over 80 years provides confidence and reliability with a name you can trust.
Rick Ellison, owner and operator of Dinuba House Movers, Inc., is a third generation house mover. Rick worked as a construction superintendent for 5 years before he began to work for Alvin Dick, the previous owner of DHM. After working for Alvin for nine years, he and his wife Andrea, Alvin's daughter, bought DHM in 1995. The first house mover in the family was Alvin's father, Jacob Dick, who founded the company in 1937. Before the 1960's, it was commonplace to raise up houses by using manual jacks with no help from today's unified hydraulics. Today's modern hydraulic systems help to make the process of raising and lowering a building much quicker and safer.
As a licensed company, Dinuba House Movers, Inc. proudly provides its services to the Central Valley and surrounding areas. Our services include Structural Relocations, Heavy Hauling, Foundation Design and Installation, Property Line Adjustments, and Structure Raising. We offer free estimates for any job and and are ready to hear from you today!